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The Use of Bite Raising Splint in Dentistry

Bite raising splints serve to prevent problems caused by bruxism such as headaches, jaw pain, muscle tension, and tooth fracture, but they can also be used in cases of deep bite and during orthodontic treatment.

What is Gnathology and a Gnathological Splint? Gnathology is a new and rapidly evolving specialty in dentistry that deals with the temporomandibular joint and its problems. Improper functioning of the temporomandibular joint can cause numerous symptoms ranging from tinnitus to poor sleep quality, and over time, it can lead to wear and deformation of the joint, causing further issues in the neck, shoulder, trunk, or knees.

Gnathological treatment may require orthodontics, as well as the creation of a night bite-raising splint, which prevents damage from teeth clenching during sleep, thus avoiding further wear of the chewing surfaces.

Applications of a Bite Raising Splint The bite raising splint helps distribute the forces that occur during chewing evenly.

Deep Bite: Bite Raising May Be the Solution Deep bite is often corrected with orthodontics, generally through bite raising, for which a bite raising splint or ramp is used. The bite raising ramp is attached to the inner side of the incisors and canines, while the bite raising splint is a removable device that covers the entire dental arch.

Orthodontics with the Help of a Bite Raising Splint In orthodontics, the bite raising splint is used to change the relative position of the two dental arches to eliminate disturbing contacts between the upper and lower teeth.

Nighttime Protective Splint for Bruxism Joint problems can be alleviated using a bite raising splint; it is also effective for bruxism to reduce tooth wear.

Functioning of the Nighttime Bite Raising Splint The nighttime bite raising splint, an essential tool for symptomatic treatment of bruxism, is a removable, transparent, soft plastic device. It can be bought ready-made, or a precisely fitting splint can be made in a dental lab based on an impression of the patient's teeth. The device helps absorb the force from teeth clenching by maintaining a soft buffer between the dental arches, preventing direct contact of the teeth, thus protecting the joint from overloading, the teeth from wear, and dental restorations from damage.

Tip: If you want to learn more about bruxism, read our article "Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment." If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to visit your dentist to check the condition of your teeth and restorations, as poorly fitting fillings and dental appliances can increase the strain on the temporomandibular joint.

Fehérvári Dental: Professional Dental Care in the Heart of Budapest Since its founding in 1997, we strive to ensure that your family receives the highest standard and comprehensive care from toddlers to great-grandparents. Our specialists cover all areas of dentistry, so even complex treatments requiring multiple dentists can be managed on-site. Our team's professional and coordinated operation is evident throughout the entire care process—from specialist consultations to administrative tasks.

Our practice's design and technical equipment represent a high standard. Our three-story clinic houses 3 modern treatment rooms and a diagnostic imaging area (panoramic X-ray, teleradiography, CBCT, intraoral). The floors are connected by a spacious elevator, which is easily accessible for patients with mobility issues and those with strollers.

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